Agenda – August 9, 2018
CLEVELAND PUBLIC LIBRARY SPECIAL BOARD MEETING August 9, 2018 Trustees Room Louis Stokes Wing 12:00 Noon AGENDA Oath of Office for Reappointment of Maritza Rodriguez Motion to Temporarily Suspend the Regulations Resolution Authorizing Partnership Agreement with Experience Aviation, Inc. (EXHIBIT 1) Resolution Authorizing Preliminary Agreement with JKURTZ Architects LTD and SO-IL Office LTD […]
August 9, 2018
Trustees Room Louis Stokes Wing
12:00 Noon
- Oath of Office for Reappointment of Maritza Rodriguez
- Motion to Temporarily Suspend the Regulations
- Resolution Authorizing Partnership Agreement with Experience Aviation, Inc. (EXHIBIT 1)
- Resolution Authorizing Preliminary Agreement with JKURTZ Architects LTD and SO-IL Office LTD for Preliminary Professional Design Services for the Martin Luther King, Jr., Branch (EXHIBIT 2)
- Resolution to Revise Human Resources Manual (EXHIBIT 3)
- Resolution to Ratify and Approve the Purchase of Insurance Coverage for Policies Effective August 1, 2018 (EXHIBIT 4)
- Resolution to Ratify Agreement for Purchase of Natural Gas (EXHIBIT 5)
- Resolution to Amend Resolution Approving Reduced Guaranteed Maximum Price Amendment to Agreement with Regency Construction Services, Inc. for Safe, Warm and Dry Construction Project (EXHIBIT 6)
- Resolution to Accept the State Library of Ohio LSTA Discretionary Grants for the Ohio Library for the Blind and Print Disabled (OLBPD) (EXHIBIT 7)
- Resolution to Accept Grant from the Cleveland Foundation for HotSpot Lending Program (EXHIBIT 8)
- Amendment to Fines and Fees Schedule (EXHIBIT 9)
- Executive Session