About The Norman Sugarman Childrens Biography Award

Norman A. Sugarman Award Criteria The Sugarman Award was established by Joan G. Sugarman in memory of her husband, Norman A. Sugarman, a prominent tax attorney who was born and raised in Cleveland and later served in Washington, D.C. The Sugarman Award is given biennially by Cleveland Public Library and presented to a writer and/or […]

Norman A. Sugarman Award Criteria

The Sugarman Award was established by Joan G. Sugarman in memory of her husband, Norman A. Sugarman, a prominent tax attorney who was born and raised in Cleveland and later served in Washington, D.C. The Sugarman Award is given biennially by Cleveland Public Library and presented to a writer and/or illustrator of a new biography for children’s grades Kindergarten through 8th grade. The Award is presented in April in alternate years in celebration of National Library Week. It is for a work published in the previous two calendar years. In 1984, Joan G. Sugarman donated a Fantasy Carousel designed by renowned sculptor Star Liana York. York assembled in the Carousel a special place in which the images of a world where fantastic and mythological creatures appear in a variety of interpretations. Her monsters, mermaids and dragons belong to a realm of dark enchantments and Sugarman felt the Library was also special. It was a fitting place for this elegantly crafted piece, a place where young minds could reflect and learn about the natural world with humor, fear, mischief and, of course, joy.

The Sugarmans
  • The award is presented to the writer of a new biography for children’s grades Kindergarten-8.
  • The award is limited to biographies based on original research and documentation. Awards shall be limited to biographies written by residents or citizens of the United States and first published in the United States.
  • Nominations for the award are solicited through publishers, libraries, and schools; from children and adults, as well as submitted by an Award Committee.
  • An Award Committee appointed by the Cleveland Public Library evaluates the nominations and selects a winner. The Committee of not more than nine (9) persons includes but is not limited to representatives of local educational institutions and libraries. The Committee may include two (2) Cleveland Public Library youth services librarians. The Cleveland Public Administrator serves in an ex-officio capacity.

Upcoming Event: Norman A. Sugarman Children’s Biography Ceremony

The Cleveland Public Library will host a special reception on September 18 to celebrate the establishment of the Norman A. Sugarman Children’s Biography Award. The event will feature the 2024 winner, author Angela Joy, and illustrator Janelle Washington. Established in 1998, the award is presented biennially at the Library and is the only prize in the nation that honors biographies written for children.

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