African American History & Culture
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African American History & Culture Research Guides
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African American History & Culture Databases
Unless specified, the following resources are available to all in Ohio or have a library card from any public library in Ohio.
CPL Cardholders only
African America, Communists, and the National Negro Congress, 1933-1947
The National Negro Congress was established in 1936 to “secure the right of the Negro people to be free from Jim Crowism, segregation, discrimination, lynching, and mob violence” and “to promote the spirit of unity and cooperation between Negro and white people. This collection comprises of the voluminous working files of John P. Davis and […]
African American Heritage
ProQuest African American Heritage is a digital resource exclusively devoted to African American family history research. This collection was created in partnership with leading African American genealogists and recognized leaders in genealogical information to develop a comprehensive mix of resources, records, and tools specifically pertaining to African Americans.
CPL Cardholders only
American Slavery: A Composite Autobiography
This database contains the stories of American slaves as told by the former slaves themselves, in their own voices. Includes the complete content of more than 2,000 interviews conducted in seventeen states between 1936 and 1938 under the Federal Writers’ Project of the Work Progress Administration. Fully indexed & searchable by key word. Includes some […]
CPL Cardholders only
Black Economic Empowerment: The National Negro Business League
The National Negro Business League was a business organization founded in Boston, Massachusetts in 1900 by Booker T. Washington, with the support of Andrew Carnegie. The mission and main goal of the National Negro Business League was “to promote the commercial and financial development of the Negro.” This resource includes the National Negro Business League’s […]
CPL Cardholders only
Black Liberation Army and the Program of Armed Struggle, 1970-1980
Sourced from the Federal Bureau of Investigation Library, Black Liberation Army and the Program of Armed Struggle consists of a wide range of materials, including FBI surveillance and informant reports and correspondence from a variety of offices including, New York City, Baltimore, New Haven, San Francisco, Detroit, Miami, Atlanta, Newark, Kansas City, and Cleveland
CPL Cardholders only
Black Nationalism and the Revolutionary Action Movement: The Papers of Muhammad Ahmad
In Black Nationalism and the Revolutionary Action Movement, a wealth of material from Ahmad’s personal archive – letters, speeches, financial records and more – are augmented with FBI files and other primary sources. The collection sheds light on 1960s radicalism, politics and culture, and provides an ideal foundation for coursework in African-American studies, radical studies, […]
CPL Cardholders only
Call and Post
Full-text searching of all issues of the Cleveland Call and Post, published between 1934 and 1991. (An index to issues from 1992 to 2004 and full text for issues from 2005 to present is available through Ethnic Newswatch, Cleveland’s longtime African American newspaper, the Call & Post, was formed in 1927 by the merger of […]
CPL Cardholders only
Evangelism in Africa: Correspondence of the Board of Foreign Missions, 1835-1910
Evangelism in Africa: Correspondence of the Board of Foreign Missions, 1835-1910 supports research in religious studies, African studies, women’s studies, international affairs and anthropology. Letters that served as reports from the field describe the indigenous peoples and cultures, tribal factionalism, cultural differences and mores, and the many problems and achievements of the work.
CPL Cardholders only
FBI Surveillance of James Forman and SNCC
A collection of FBI reports comprising the Bureau’s investigative and surveillance efforts primarily between 1961 and 1976. The collected materials include Forman’s involvement with the “Black Manifesto” and the Bureau’s “COINTELPRO” investigations into “Black Nationalist – Hate Groups / Internal Security,” which includes information on the activities of SNCC. Date range: 1961-1976.
CPL Cardholders only
Federal Surveillance of African Americans, 1920-1984
Between the early 1920s and early 1980s, the Justice Department and its Federal Bureau of Investigation engaged in widespread investigation of those deemed politically suspect. Prominent among the targets of this sometimes coordinated, sometimes independent surveillance were aliens, members of various protest groups, Socialists, Communists, pacifists, militant labor unionists, ethnic or racial nationalists and outspoken […]
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