Environment & Nature

Louis Stokes Wing

3rd Floor, Science & Technology

525 Superior Ave, 44114


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Backyard Composting 101

| Eastman

Go to: Backyard Composting 101

Attracting and Feeding Birds in Your Backyard

| Eastman

Go to: Attracting and Feeding Birds in Your Backyard

Environment & Nature Databases

Unless specified, the following resources are available to all in Ohio or have a library card from any public library in Ohio.

General Science Full Text

CPL Cardholders only

General Science Full Text

This database features full text, plus the graphs, charts, diagrams, photos, and illustrations that convey an abundance of scientific information. A full range of topics are covered, including anthropology, astronomy, biology, computers, earth sciences, medicine and health. Other media such as graphs, charts, diagrams, and high resolution photos and illustrations are included.


CPL Cardholders only


Freely accessible research database focusing on the relationship between human beings and the environment, with information on topics ranging from global warming to recycling to alternate fuel sources and beyond. Comprised of scholarly and general interest titles, as well as government documents and reports, GreenFILE offers a unique perspective on the positive and negative ways […]

National Geographic Magazine Archive, 1888-1994

CPL Cardholders only

National Geographic Magazine Archive, 1888-1994

As the official journal of the nonprofit National Geographic Society, National Geographic magazine built its reputation delivering high-quality photojournalism, cartography and in-depth coverage of cultures, nature, science, and technology. Search the vivid photographs and historic articles as well as engaging videos and detailed maps.

Ship Index

CPL Cardholders only

Ship Index

With over 3 million ship entries, Shipindex.org guides you to the ship you are researching. Once the ship is found, the database shows you which books, magazines, and web sites your ship is mentioned.

Very Short Introductions

Very Short Introductions

Oxford’s Very Short Introductions offers concise and original introductions to a wide range of subjects–from Islam to Sociology, Politics to Classics, and Literary Theory to History. Not simply a textbook of definitions, each volume provides incisive and provocative–yet always balanced and complete–discussions of the central issues in a given topic. Every Very Short Introduction gives […]

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