Louis Stokes Wing

4th Floor, Government Documents

5th Floor, Social Sciences


Public Administration Library

525 Superior Ave, 44114


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Government Databases

Unless specified, the following resources are available to all in Ohio or have a library card from any public library in Ohio.

City of Cleveland Data Portal

City of Cleveland Data Portal

The City of Cleveland’s data portal provides data and information about the city across different topics cluding Housing, transportation, health, business, public safety, and more.’, ‘Access the data through built-in applications, dashboards, maps, and APIs.

Congressional Publications

CPL Cardholders only

Congressional Publications

ProQuest Congressional Publications is a comprehensive online resource for Congressional hearings, public issues, legislation, history, and legal research with access to the full-text of more than 211 years of Congressional information, including member biographies, committee assignments, voting records, financial data, and the full-text of key regulatory and statutory resources. It also provides a link to […]

Hannah Capitol Connection

CPL Cardholders only

Hannah Capitol Connection

This is your “one-site stop” for comprehensive Ohio legislative and governmental information. Features include status of bills, updated daily, text of amendments, legislative analyses, and fiscal impact statements, text of opinions as well including useful links to government information throughout Ohio and the United States which is updated regularly.



NEO CANDO is an information sharing network providing a comprehensive collection of demographic data describing the 17 county Northeast Ohio region, or for specific neighborhoods within the region. Data regarding population trends, poverty, employment, educational attainment, housing and crime statistics are available.

Points of View Reference Center (EBSCOhost)

Points of View Reference Center (EBSCOhost)

Points of View Reference Center contains many topics, each with an overview, point and counterpoint . Providing a balance of materials from all viewpoints, it also includes over 1,300 main essays, leading political magazines from all sides of the political spectrum, newspapers, radio & TV news transcripts, primary source documents and reference books. It also […]

Statistical Insight

CPL Cardholders only

Statistical Insight

Statistical Insight provides access to statistics produced by the U.S. government, major international intergovernmental organizations, professional and trade organizations, commercial publishers, independent research organizations, state government agencies, and universities. The database consists of three components: 1) the Base Edition table collection, which includes over 30,000 individually indexed statistical tables with major statistical compilations issued by […]

UN (United Nations) i-Library

CPL Cardholders only

UN (United Nations) i-Library

The United Nations’ i-Library is the comprehensive global search, discovery, and viewing source for digital content created by the United Nations.

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