Facilities Contractor Opportunities

In 2017, Cleveland voters approved a levy for more funding for the Cleveland Public Library. As our promise to the community, the Library is using that money to rebuild, renovate and reimagine the spaces at each of its branches. Help us take this next step in the design process to be collaborative to achieve optimal […]

In 2017, Cleveland voters approved a levy for more funding for the Cleveland Public Library. As our promise to the community, the Library is using that money to rebuild, renovate and reimagine the spaces at each of its branches. Help us take this next step in the design process to be collaborative to achieve optimal results.

Contractor Opportunities with Gilbane

Gilbane Building Company representatives are assisting the Library with subcontracting opportunities. Contractors who are interested in working on any of the Library projects should visit the Gilbane Building Company website to begin the prequalification process.

Due to Gilbane having various types and sizes of projects, they have updated their submission process.

  1. Prime Bidders prequalify and bid at https://ibidpro.com
  2. Subcontractors and suppliers can register for information and updates at https://clevelandpubliclibrary.gilbaneco.com
  3. If you have questions, please email Travis Okel at Gilbane

Contractor Opportunities with Regency

Regency Construction Services is providing construction opportunities for renovations and additions to five (5) Cleveland Public Library branches: Lorain, Brooklyn, Sterling, Eastman, and Rockport.

Complete the subcontractor prequalification form.

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